You can only blame yourself for the position you're in now. If only you'd pay a little more attention to me
instead of your oh so pretty, perfect little wife. Maybe then I
have to slip something into your drink at the party. It's only because
you ignored me that you're completely immobile now. But isn't it better
this way? We're finally alone together... just us...
exactly how it should be. Without her.
It's the only way I could ween you from her. To show you how good I can be... how good I can make you feel. Even if you have no choice this first time, it'll only take once. I'll make you want me the way I've always wanted you. And don't think that just because you say you don't like it that you're somehow remaining faithful to her. I know how to prove you wrong... and it's right between your legs.
You can't resist... it feels good doesn't it, when I grind against your cock like this. I know what you need, and it's not that petite, barbie wife. You crave a real woman... A curvy, soft, full bodied female on top. My big, heavy breasts filling your hands... Here, let me help you. Ohhhh, see?? A cock doesn't lie.
It's the only way I could ween you from her. To show you how good I can be... how good I can make you feel. Even if you have no choice this first time, it'll only take once. I'll make you want me the way I've always wanted you. And don't think that just because you say you don't like it that you're somehow remaining faithful to her. I know how to prove you wrong... and it's right between your legs.
You can't resist... it feels good doesn't it, when I grind against your cock like this. I know what you need, and it's not that petite, barbie wife. You crave a real woman... A curvy, soft, full bodied female on top. My big, heavy breasts filling your hands... Here, let me help you. Ohhhh, see?? A cock doesn't lie.